2011-02-28 – 22:34:12
Felipe: Mr. Judge. May I have a word please?
Judge: Yes
Felipe: I have a question about visitation. Can I see my wife?
Judge: Yes
Felipe: Whenever I want?…
Judge: We are going to work it out. For a couple of days we are going to balance visitation between wife and children.
Felipe: My wife is essential for my well being. They say I’m mentally sick, but I am perfectly sane, but physically I’m not… I don’t want to make any objections your honor, but I just simply want to sustain that I am married to my wife, and that condition implies a constant possibility of me being visiting by her.

Fuente: En la Audiencia de 16 de abril de 2009 Felipe Tudela Barreda se dirigida al juez Arthur Rothenberg y solicitó -por su bienestar- no ser separado de Graciela de Losada. Esto no fue registrado en el acta que se levantó de la audiencia. El juez hizo oídos sordos de la voluntad de Felipe. Felipe era quien necesitaba ser doblegado, a él fue a quien se encerró e incomunicó. Contra Graciela de Losada no se dicto ninguna medida de restricción a su libertad.